Friday, August 22, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

And it's aftermath. Although the storm is not our of area completely and we are still unsure of how much more of the storm is going to hit us. I wanted to share some of the pictures of what is going on around us. Right now Flooding is a big problem as well as power outages due to trees being on the lines or the lines just being on the ground.

Jacksonville Beach Or what was the beach

A1A and the Jetties

Black Creek went past it's banks and into someones backyard

My Sister In Laws Yard

More of Sister In Laws Yard

More of her Yard

As I get more pictures and more come into the different news channels I will post them. My Sister In Law is going out to take more of her yard after it stops raining again.
I used ABC 25 website and Channel 4 Website for 2 of the pictures.

1 comment:

Pamela Joy said...

appreciate your photos - i'm in central fl - we're okay . . . but so hard to watch what's going on all around - hope it's over soon for all :O)